Click on the red bookmarks or look at the list below to view the presence of Progetto Continenti in Italy. If you wish to get in touch with the contact person of a local reality, you can contact the secretariat at 06/5806455. We will introduce you to the members, friends, or representatives of the individual Local or Support Groups.

Since its launch, Progetto Continenti wanted to create a volunteers’ network scattered throughout Italy: this structure reflects, in a fundamental and vital way, the popular, participatory, and decentralized nature of our Association.

The Local Groups (GL), according to the Statute, are formed of at least one Member. They organize campaigns, conferences, courses, and awareness-raising meetings in their reference territories as well as training activities on solidarity and international cooperation by “Adopting” one of our projects in the South of the world, engaging in information and fundraising activities.

The Support Groups (GdA) are made up of Friends who, according to their availability, support in various ways the implementation of the ongoing projects.

Currently Local and Support Groups are present in Lombardy, Liguria, Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Umbria, Abruzzo, Lazio, Campania, Basilicata and Puglia.

Lombardia: Mezzago (MI), Milano, Bergamo, Mariano Comense (CO), Bovisio Masciago (MI);
Liguria: Genova, La Spezia, Finale Ligure Marina, Savona;
Veneto: Grezzana (VR), Ponte della Priula (TV), Breganze (VI);
Emilia Romagna: Cesena (FC);
Toscana: Firenze, Chianciano (SI), Cecina (LI);
Umbria: Perugia;
Abruzzo: Penne (PE), Avezzano (AQ);
Lazio: Roma, Terracina (LT);
Campania: Vico Equense (NA), Casoria (NA), Salerno, Pozzuoli (NA);
Puglia: Bitonto (BA), Castellana Grotte (BA), San Giorgio Ionico (TA);
Basilicata: Potenza.

Furthermore, a Youth Group, also called Pianeta Giovani, was activated. Mainly students belong to this association, not exclusively linked to a territory, but characterized by the young age of the participants and their common desire for motivational growth and concrete commitment within the Association.


To explore the possibility of aggregating friends and people you know in the name of solidarity.

One of the biggest problems of our time is the growth of inequalities and the unalike distribution of wealth. Concrete support for projects carried in the global South is a possible path to share what we are and have with the neediest in the world.

The Association was based on this dream. We continue to believe in it and invite everyone to “choose” solidarity.

If you need help or solid suggestions on starting this activity in your area, do not hesitate to contact us (tel. 06/5806455 or info@progettocontinenti.org).