Education For Global Citizenship
We live today in a world that hosts more than seven billion people in a context that is now almost completely globalized; this situation and the type of society that derived from it have led to many people experiencing serious problems with every aspect of their life (health, social, economic and cultural).
To put a brake on this trend since its inception Progetto Continenti, in addition to promoting solidarity and cooperation projects with the populations of some southern countries, works and engages in parallel in the north of the world.
Progetto Continenti therefore intends to deepen and propose (in particular in Italy) courses of Education for Global Citizenship, that know how to look with a critical eye and attention to the unsustainable poverty in which the majority of humanity lives, with particular regard to the structural mechanisms that constitute and maintain such poverty and the interconnections of the causes and the effects connected to it.
The Continents Global Citizenship Education sector is therefore engaged in Italy in promoting a new cultural approach to globalization, capable of:
- reading its profound contradictions and injustices but also its undeniable positivity;
- identify educational and training paths that are capable of strengthening personal and community motivations, visions and tensions based on the culture of solidarity that concretely succeeds in making a synthesis between justice and charity.
Progetto Continenti therefore seeks to deepen and develop punctually some major issues related to the culture of solidarity, such as the ethics of solidarity, the ethics of responsibility, the face of civil society and finally the method and spirit of secularism.
Here are some campaigns we've already done:
- Water: humanity's common good (Project co-financed by the MFA 2000-2002);
- For an economic democracy (Project co-financed by the ECE 2001);
- Communication tools. Creation of alternative networks for fighting poverty and promoting popular participation (Project co-financed by C.E.2001-2003);
- Tools of identity and integration. The ethics of European citizenship through Peer Education for the Life Skills methodologies. (Project co-financed by the ECE 2004-2006);
- Tourism: an instrument of social and cultural development (Project co-financed by the MFA 2004-2009);
- The party of a few: the growth of inequalities in the globalized world (Project co-financed by Local and Private Bodies);
- Universal Civil Service Project 2018-2019 (funded by the Department of Youth Policies, Presidency of the Council of Ministers).