About Us

Progetto Continenti is a non-profit association of Christian, universal and inclusive inspiration, founded in 1989 with the aim of creating the conditions for a "new world", today not only possible but increasingly necessary, based on solidarity, participation and sharing.

We have been working for 30 years in contexts characterized by poverty, marginalization and socio-political fragility through an approach based on the self-development of people, partnership with local organizations and long-term sustainability of actions.

We are an association established by private deed and recognized as suitable by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to operate in the field of international cooperation in developing countries and to operate in Italy in the field of Global Citizenship Education. Our commitment in the world has been concretized so far, in 30 years of activity, in more than 160 development projects, mainly in Central America (Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador) in Southeast Asia (Cambodia, Myanmar and Vietnam) and in horn of Africa (Ethiopia).

All solidarity and international development cooperation projects, carried out thanks to the precious and faithful support of Local Groups and our friends and with the support of institutional bodies, both public and private, are characterized by the primary objective of promoting, in partnership with associations, cooperatives and local churches, the social, cultural and economic development of the most impoverished communities and in conditions of extreme vulnerability to contribute to increasing equity and socio-economic inclusion processes.

Our preferred areas of intervention are:

  • Education and formal and non-formal education of children, young people and women;
  • Professional training of young people and women;
  • Maternal and child health and reproductive health;
  • Promotion of human rights;
  • Agricultural and production development;
  • Post-emergency reconstruction and rehabilitation;
  • Water and environmental remediation.

Our integrated multi-sector strategy is characterized by constant attention to capacity building and the strengthening of local organizations. The partnership with local bodies and institutions in the implementation of development projects is fundamental to ensure continuity and sustainability of the initiative, once external assistance is concluded.

We firmly believe that the living conditions of local populations can be improved by making them truly protagonists of their own development (self-development of peoples). The participation of the local beneficiary community is very important for us both in the definition and implementation of the projects.

To respond to the multiple and complex needs expressed by the local communities, we have also created 3 multi-purpose centers aimed especially for children, young people and women in conditions of extreme poverty and social vulnerability: the Blein center in Ethiopia, the Sangkheum Center in Cambodia and the MilFlores Center in Guatemala.