Activities In School
For many years Progetto Continenti’s members have been carrying out global education programs in Italian schools of every order and level, considering it a privileged and priority sector: for young people it is a very formative experience, outside the box and the canonical themes that are usually addressed in schools.
This activity is presented in a heterogeneous, variegated and peculiar form, above all with respect to the different territorial contexts of reference and to the different histories and competences of the members and of the different Local Groups that carry out this activity.
It is a precious investment that fully responds to the mission of Progetto Continenti and which, throughout our history, has undoubtedly contributed to involving many children, young people and teachers in our activities; working with Italian schools continues to be a great challenge for all of us and we try to face it with the necessary competence and authority.
Today we are able to summarize all the experience we have had so far and to make some training modules on the themes of globalization and development organic; these modules have been tested by many of us in recent years with obvious positive effects in terms of appreciation by the numerous schools with which we have collaborated. These modules can be further tested, re-proposed and updated permanently.
One of the central values of these educational workshops is the voluntary nature of our action. We think that for a public school where everything has a price, offering completely free educational / training activities represents great added value.