5 x 1000

A few decades ago, we used to say that another world would have been possible.

Today, after 30 years of the history of Progetto Continenti, we are increasingly convinced that another world is necessary.

By choosing to allocate the 5x1000 of your income tax to Progetto Continenti, you will help us

carrying out our solidarity projects around the world.

Just write our tax code:


and sign the space dedicated to 5x1000

(in the non-profit organizations section)

on your tax return form

(CUD / 730 / UNICO)

A small and simple act that helps

the world remaining more human

Thank you

The 5 x 1000 is a portion of the Income-tax which the taxpayer must pay in any case (0.5% of the total). The citizen-payer might decide to whom allocate his/her financial support; whoever pays taxes is able in fact to have the Italian State devolve this sum for charity. If an accountant files your tax return, just send him/her our tax code and he/she will take care of entering it for you.