Our Local Partners
As part of its activities, Progetto Continenti promotes and encourages an active involvement of its local partners for the implementation of the activities and the pursuit of its goals and objectives.
The choice of partners (Bodies or Associations) is conditioned by the following criteria:
- they must be no-profit
- they must be independent of any political or ideological logic, national or international
- they must base their action on the same ethical principles as Progetto Continenti
- they must share our Code of Ethics.
Local partners may also be public if they guarantee freedom of movement and decision with respect to the stated objectives and purposes.
Progetto Continenti supports the creation and strengthening of local organizations, enhancing them and developing their skills and competences, working and focusing on sustainability and autonomy from external aid.
We currently cooperate with these local society foundations and associations:
- Fundasal in El Salvador - Foundation for the right to housing and environment
- Fundebase in Guatemala - NGO for the defense of Indigenous peoples
- Instituto San Bonifacio in Guatemala - Institute of nuns
- Positive Action in Myanmar - Association for the promotion of health among the rural population
- CCFO (Community Care First Organization) in Cambodia - Association for the development of inclusive family communities
- Padrinos Magicos in Bolivia
- Remida Napoli in Italy